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Sensory Box Information

Sensory Box Information


Hello, and welcome to the world of sensory play! We are so excited for you and your baby to start playing but before you begin, we want to make sure you are doing so safely and using the toys and props appropriately.

Please read all the relevant sections below for the items you have purchased and/or received in your box before you start to play. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

A little bit about the developmental benefits of sensory play and your babies development as a newborn:


Did you know?
  1. Newborn babies can only distinguish black and white tones which is why high contrast play is so beneficial for visual stimulation, increasing focus and attention span. 
  2. Newborns can see clearer when items are around 8-10 inches from their face - so aim to hold items in this distance range to engage your baby when playing
  3. As your baby starts reaches 3 months they will begin to see more colours, red being one of the first. 
  4. From around 6-8 weeks babies might start being able to track items with their eyes - move their toys around slowly in front of them to practice. You may notice baby trying to bat their toys too - this is them practicing their hand-eye co-ordination.
  5. Sensory play is a great opportunity to explore textures, shapes, colours etc as it helps babies develop an understanding of the world around them - through their senses!
  6. As your baby gets older and begins to hold items, this is a great time to let them explore their toys independently, where age appropriate to build an understanding of cause and effect - e.g. when baby shakes rattle it makes noise, or when they hit the toy it moves, etc.
  7. Tummy time can be hard to get babies on board with at first- why not try introducing tummy time by laying baby down on your chest and talk or sing to them - tummy time is so important for building muscles that will eventually help your baby sit, crawl, stand and walk. 
In a nutshell, playing with your baby is a great way to bond and spend quality time together in those first few precious months. Not only that but sensory play has been found to help brain development through building the following skills:
Gross and fine motor 
Problem solving

Onto the important things before you play...

Please read all product specific labels and warnings before first use and retain information for future reference. Items should not be left in an accessible place or within reach of the child when not in use with a supervising adult. Please inspect the items and dispose of any of the above mentioned products at the first sign of wear and tear or damage. Remove all packaging from items before play and/or handing items to your baby (where appropriate). Packaging is not a toy and should never be in reach or accessible to a baby. 


Ribbon Ring 

  • To be handled by an adult when playing with baby.
  • Not to be used as a teether, or to be mouthed.
  • Never to leave with baby unattended.
  • Ensure all ribbons are tight and secure before every use.
  • If ends fray or there any other signs of wear and tear/damage, please discard immediately. 
Guidelines for Use: 

Gently stroke baby's body parts with ribbon, you can name body parts as you are doing so to help build self awareness and introduce new language.
Use the ribbon ring to accompany songs to provide a multi-sensory experience, again using it to gently stroke baby's body.Hang above baby just within reach to encourage reaching out, hand- eye co-ordination and cause and effect learning.

    • This is not a toy - only a visual aid
    • Only to be used under the direct supervision of an adult at all time
    • Flashcards are not to be mouthed

    Guidelines for Use:

    Use during tummy time to engage your baby visually - talk to them about what you can both see to also encourage language development. This could include the name of the object, where you would usually see it, what colour it is in real life etc.
    Prop up against sofa, wall when baby is lying on back so they are able to see them from this viewpoint.
    When baby is approximately 6-8 weeks you can try using the flashcards as a visual aid to move from side to side to practice visual tracking.
    Foil Blanket 
    • This is not a toy only to be used as a sensory prop
    • Never leave baby unattended on foil blanket
    • Never leave a baby to sleep on a foil blanket
    • If rips do not continue use and discard
    • Do not use for long periods at a time
    • Not to be mouthed
    • Not to be cut
    • Warning: Visually impaired babies may find reflections discomforting. 

    Guidelines for Use: 

    Place the foil blanket under the baby's feet for them to kick and enjoy the sound and sensation of the blanket. This also helps with cause and effect learning.
    Allow baby to explore during tummy time or when sitting up to scrunch the blanket with their hands you can use descriptive language to engage baby during this sensory experience. 
    • This is not a toy only to be used as a sensory prop
    • Not to be handled by baby
    • Not to be mouthed
    • Not to be left in baby’s reach
    • Always check for signs of wear and tear before use and discard immediately if needed 
    Guidance for use: 
    This like the ribbon ring is great for tactile stimulation and tickling your baby's body parts. Use during songs, and building self- awareness. 
    TBN: If you are unsure on how to use your products safely please contact us via email or social media and we will do our best to assist. 
    Other items that have a CE mark of 3 years and above (flashing spikey ball, balloon, bubbles, sensory scarf, egg shakers) similarly to those mentioned previously should only be used as sensory props and aids due to the child potentially not being at the appropriate age for play.
    Please refer to the CE mark attached to the product if unsure. This means that when the items are being used they should directly be supervised by an adult at all times. 
    Sensory scarf:
    Please handwash before first use to remove excess dye. Do not allow baby to mouth - dye may transfer. 
    Do not leave the scarf over the baby's face.
    Guidelines for use:
    While baby is laying down pair with a ribbon ring and gently sway items up and down for visual stimulation, you can also gently tickle baby with items as you do this for tactile stimulation. 
    Use for peek-a-boo - Hide your face or one of their favourite toys underneath/behind the scarf and then reveal again - this helps build an understanding of object permanence - the concept of although an item may not be in full view it is still there.
    The bubble tube, wand and solution are to solely be used by the supervising adult at all times. 
    Guidelines for use:
    Use bubbles during sensory play accompanied with a projector light facing the ceiling for a multi-sensory experience
    Use while singing and name body parts e.g. as bubbles burst on baby's leg.
    Please take care when using the balloon as over inflation can lead to the balloon bursting if pressure is applied. Please also ensure your child does not squeeze/apply pressure the balloon as this can also lead to the balloon bursting. 
    Balloon is made of 100% latex - potential allergy risk.
    Guidelines for use: 
    Blow balloon up to half capacity - gently sway above baby for visual tracking.
    Place balloon on a bed sheet and gently lift it up and down with another adult for baby to track to moving balloon over the sheet while they are sitting up in an adults lap or age appropriate seat. 
    My Little Goody box Ltd is not be held responsible or liable as to how you choose to use your props outside of guidelines provided above.